Wednesday, June 11, 2008

the lengths

It is funny the lengths that you will go for your baby. And I'm not talking all the way to White Plains. Yesterday during the fourth day of New York's HeatWave 2008 the AC unit died. So I get a text message that we need a new one.

Usually I'd say let's deal with a fan or two, but after getting home at 8pm I headed out to get an AC. I found a small one that would cool down one room. I carried it up stairs and started installing. Then the winds began. A thunderstorm blew through and stopped the instalation. At least it cooled the house significantly enough to make it comfy.

It was so comfy that around midnight the three of headed into the bedroom and she slept most of the night. Olivia woke up for a feeding and for a dirty diaper. But otherwise she gave mom and dad a well deserved good night sleep.

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